Baptism Sign-up!

Once you've made the decision to follow Jesus, the next step is to get baptized! When you're baptized in water, you make a public statement to others that you're choosing to let your old life go and allowing God to make you new.

How do you know if you’re ready? The answer is simple: if you believe in your heart that Jesus is really God and you've made a decision to follow Him, then you're ready to be baptized! You don't need to have your life figured out, but if you're doing your best to follow Jesus, baptism is for you!

Whats Next?

We will contact you with where to go from here!

You will be asked to prepare a brief 1min God story (testimony)  to share or read (we can read it for you) of what your life was like before christ, what brought you to faith in Christ, and what your life is like now.